Sunset School PTO Board 2024-2025

Our PTO is led by a board of officers and committee chairpersons who have been elected to their positions in the prior academic year. The PTO Board meets monthly with our school principal and two faculty liaisons to facilitate programs and initiatives determined in the summer, as well as to review progress toward our fundraising goals.



Executive Officers 


President: Christine White
Vice President: Sonja Allen
Treasurer: Janice Newton
Secretary: Melanie Palma 
Auditor: Helga Hernandez
Ways and Means: Alison Baroody-Sarboraria, Martha Carrillo Suarez, and Taylor Hughes
Membership and Hospitality:
  • Renee Gibson
  • Karen Tighe
  • Vanessa Hartwick
  • Noelle Tuominen
  • Katie Moxley
  • Kimberly Brahmst
  • Ashley Harnett
Gala Chair: Erica Badger
  • Facebook: Kelly Bair
  • Windows: Shannon Rocha
  • Marquee: Jeanine Henderson
Webmaster: Amie Hauselt
Newsletter: Jennifer Preston


Administration & Faculty advisers



Tom Fletcher

Teacher Liaison

Dianna Costello

Teacher Liaison

Dyann Crittenden




Interested in volunteering for a position? Contact Christine White, President at


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